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貿易戰協商 美國聲明全文看這裡

2019/01/10 09:17




1月7日至1月9日,美國由副貿易代表Jeffrey Gerrish率領代表團,前往北京和中國當局討論如何實現兩國公平互惠的貿易關係,代表團還討論了所有協議的重要性,協議落實的情況必須不斷的接受檢驗,並且要有效的強制執行。此次協商是為了延續總統川普和中國國家主席習近平,在阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯宣佈休兵90天的會談結果,會議著重在中國結構性改革,包含技術轉移、保護智慧財產權、取銷關稅壁壘、網路攻擊、網路駭客竊取商業、服務業、農業機密。會談中還有一焦點,討論中國要承諾購買大量的美國農產品、能源產品、製成商品,以及其他美國商品和服務。美國協商團還轉達了總統川普要解決兩國間貿易逆差、結構性問題的決心。



On January 7-9, an official delegation from the United States led by Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Jeffrey Gerrish held meetings in Beijing with Chinese officials to discuss ways to achieve fairness, reciprocity, and balance in trade relations between our two countries. The officials also discussed the need for any agreement to provide for complete implementation subject to ongoing verification and effective enforcement. The meetings were held as part of the agreement reached by President Donald J. Trump and President Xi Jinping in Buenos Aires to engage in 90 days of negotiations with a view to achieving needed structural changes in China with respect to forced technology transfer, intellectual property protection, non-tariff barriers, cyber intrusions and cyber theft of trade secrets for commercial purposes, services, and agriculture. The talks also focused on China’s pledge to purchase a substantial amount of agricultural, energy, manufactured goods, and other products and services from the United States. The United States officials conveyed President Trump’s commitment to addressing our persistent trade deficit and to resolving structural issues in order to improve trade between our countries.

The delegation will now report back to receive guidance on the next steps.

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